Mystery of Fight 571 || Flight 571 Andes Crashed history || Andes Survival || Fight 571 Survival ||

   Flight 571: Andes               Survival

In this post we will know about the miracle survival in the history of any flight crash.


Flight 571 refers to the Uruguayan Air Force Fairchild FH-227D aircraft that crashed in the Andes on October 13, 1972. The plane was carrying 45 passengers, including members of a Uruguayan rugby team, along with crew members. After encountering severe weather conditions, the plane crashed into the mountains.

The survivors faced extreme conditions, including high altitudes, freezing temperatures, and a lack of food. In order to survive, some resorted to cannibalism after the limited supplies ran out. After enduring 72 days in the harsh environment, 16 survivors were rescued when two of them hiked for several days and reached civilization.

The story gained international attention due to the incredible tale of survival and the ethical dilemmas faced by the survivors. The events were later documented in the book "Alive" by Piers Paul Read and the film of the same name. The crash and its aftermath remain one of the most haunting survival stories in aviation history.

Providing a minute-by-minute account of the entire ordeal endured by the passengers of Flight 571 from start to finish is an extensive task. However, I can give you a condensed overview of the key moments and decisions made during their harrowing experience:

1. Flight Departure (October 13, 1972): The Fairchild FH-227D aircraft, carrying 45 passengers, including members of the Uruguayan rugby team, departs from Uruguay. The destination is Santiago, Chile.

2. Crash in the Andes (October 13, 1972): The plane crashes into the Andes due to severe weather conditions. Some passengers die on impact, while others sustain injuries.

3. Initial Struggles: In the aftermath of the crash, survivors face the challenges of high altitudes, freezing temperatures, and rugged terrain. They grapple with shock, injuries, and the realisation of their isolation.

4. Search for Help: Some survivors embark on a perilous journey to find help. Difficulties include navigating the mountainous landscape, dealing with injuries, and lack of proper equipment.

5. Decision to Wait: As the survivors wait for rescue, they consume the limited food supplies available from the wreckage. However, the hope of rescue diminishes over time, leading to tough decisions about rationing food.

6. Desperation and Cannibalism: With no rescue in sight and dwindling food supplies, the survivors face the moral dilemma of resorting to cannibalism to stay alive. This decision is born out of necessity, as they struggle with the harsh conditions and lack of alternatives.

6. Improvised Shelter: The survivors construct makeshift shelters from the wreckage to protect themselves from the elements. They endure freezing temperatures and high altitudes with minimal equipment.

7. Long Wait for Rescue: Days turn into weeks, and the survivors face the psychological toll of prolonged isolation. Some perish due to injuries, illness, or the extreme conditions.

8. Decision to Send a Team for Help: Recognizing the need for action, two survivors, Nando Parrado and Roberto Canessa, embark on a risky journey to find civilization. They trek through the mountains for several days, enduring exhaustion and hunger.

9. Miraculous Rescue: After an arduous journey, Parrado and Canessa encounter a Chilean shepherd, leading to their rescue. The rescuers then reach the remaining survivors, bringing an end to the 72-day ordeal.

This overview highlights the major events and decisions made by the passengers of Flight 571, emphasising their resilience and the extreme challenges they faced in the Andes.


From the Blog:

आज हमने इस पोस्ट में flight 571 के एक चमत्कारिक रेस्क्यू ऑपरेशन के बारे में जाना जो कि आपके ज्ञान को बढ़ाने में मदद करेगी ।

उम्मीद करता हूँ कि आपको पोस्ट पसंद आई होगी यदि आयी हो तो आप इसे अपने जानने वालों के साथ साझा कर सकते है।







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4. Tac root word || Tac theme👈

5. Mal root word || Mal theme👈

6. Aff root word || Aff theme👈

7. Ben root word || Ben theme👈

8. Ver root word || Ver theme👈

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आपको ये भी पढ़ना चाहिए।



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