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Tac root word || "Tac" Theme || Tac related word||

The root word "tac" comes from Latin and is related to the concept of "silent" or "quiet." Words with the root "tac" often have meanings associated with being silent, hushed, or unspoken. Here are some words with the root "tac" and their descriptions:

  1. Tacit: Understood or implied without being expressed directly; unspoken but understood.

  2. Taciturn: Inclined to be silent; reserved in speech; reluctant to join in conversation.

  3. Taciturnity: The state of being habitually reserved and silent.

  4. Tacitly: In a way that is implied or understood without being directly expressed.

  5. Tacitness: The quality of being tacit; unspoken or unexpressed.

  6. Taciturnly: In a quiet or reserved manner, speaking very little.

  7. Tacenda: Things that are better left unsaid; matters that should be kept silent.

  8. Taciturnous: An adjective describing someone who is habitually silent or reserved.

  9. Tacet: A musical term used in sheet music to indicate silence or that an instrument should not play during a particular section.

  10. Intact: Not damaged, altered, or impaired; complete and whole.

  11. Retaciturn: A person who has resumed being quiet or reserved after a period of being more talkative.

  12. Tacamahac: A type of tree or shrub.

  13. Tacaud: A type of fish belonging to the Gadidae family.

  14. Tacamahaca: A resinous gum obtained from certain trees, often used in medicine or perfumes.

  15. Tac: An abbreviation for "tactical," relating to actions or strategies to achieve a specific goal.

  16. Detach: To separate or disengage; to disconnect from something.

  17. Attach: To fasten or join one thing to another.

  18. Contact: A meeting or communication between people or things.

  19. Tactful: Showing sensitivity in dealing with others or difficult situations.

  20. Tactician: A person skilled in planning and executing strategies or tactics.

  21. Intactness: The state of being complete and undamaged.

  22. Tactlessness: The quality of lacking sensitivity or consideration in one's actions or words.

  23. Pretact: To act or respond before an event or situation actually occurs.

These words demonstrate the connection to silence, unspoken understanding, and related concepts associated with the root "tac


From the Blog:

आज हमने इस पोस्ट में tac theme या tac root word से संबंधित बहुत सारे शब्द देखे जो कि आपको अपनी प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं एवम daily life में बहुत ही उपयोगी साबित होंगे ओर आपकी अंग्रेजी भाषा को सीखने में मदद करेंगी।

उम्मीद करता हूँ कि आपको पोस्ट पसंद आई होगी यदि आयी हो तो आप इसे अपने जानने वालों के साथ साझा कर सकते है।





1. Logy root word || Logy theme👈

2. Mel root word || Mel theme👈

3. Ami root word || Ami theme👈

4. Tac root word || Tac theme👈

5. Mal root word || Mal theme👈

6. Aff root word || Aff theme👈

7. Ben root word || Ben theme👈

8. Ver root word || Ver theme👈

9. Cide root word || Cide theme👈





आपको ये भी पढ़ना चाहिए।



हिंदी साहित्य का इतिहास


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Important Days of every month.

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नवंबर माह के सभी महत्वपूर्ण दिवस


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