ami root word || ami related word and it's meaning || ami root word || ami theme related word || English grammar ||
Ami root word || "Ami" Theme || Ami related word||
The root word "ami" comes from Latin and is related to the idea of "love" or "liking." Here are some words with the root "ami" and their descriptions:
Amiable: Having a friendly and pleasant disposition; likable and good-natured.
Amicable: Characterized by friendliness and a willingness to resolve differences in a peaceful manner; showing goodwill.
Amity: A friendly and peaceful relationship between individuals or nations; mutual understanding and harmony.
Amorous: Expressing or showing romantic love or desire; affectionate.
Amiability: The quality of being amiable; a warm and friendly nature.
Amorist: One who is devoted to love or romantic pursuits; a lover.
Amicability: The quality of being amicable; friendliness and cooperation.
Amiability: The quality of having a friendly and pleasant personality.
Amorously: In a loving or romantic manner; with affection.
Amicably: In a friendly and cooperative manner; without hostility.
Amiableness: The state or quality of being amiable; a likable and pleasant nature.
Amorality: The absence of moral principles or ethical standards; lacking a sense of right and wrong.
Amour: A romantic or passionate love affair, especially one that is secretive.
Amicableness: The state or quality of being amicable; the ability to get along with others.
Amatory: Relating to or expressing sexual desire or romantic love.
Amoretto: A small, cherubic representation of a cherub or Cupid; a small love token.
Amorism: The belief in the supremacy of love and its ability to overcome all challenges.
Amour-propre: Self-love; a regard for one's own interests and well-being.
Amorousness: The state of being amorous; expressing romantic love or desire.
Amicably: In a friendly and cooperative manner; without hostility.
Amiability: The quality of having a friendly and pleasant personality.
These words convey the sense of love, friendship, and positive relationships associated with the root "ami."
From the Blog:
आज हमने इस पोस्ट में ami theme या ami root word से संबंधित बहुत सारे शब्द देखे जो कि आपको अपनी प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं एवम daily life में बहुत ही उपयोगी साबित होंगे ओर आपकी अंग्रेजी भाषा को सीखने में मदद करेंगी।
उम्मीद करता हूँ कि आपको पोस्ट पसंद आई होगी यदि आयी हो तो आप इसे अपने जानने वालों के साथ साझा कर सकते है।
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